Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Spine and Neck Surgery

What are Dr. Rappard’s qualifications for performing endoscopic spine surgery?

Dr. Rappard’s core specialty is neurointerventional surgery. This is a rare specialty numbering approximately 800 physicians throughout the United States. Neurointerventional surgeons are board certified and trained neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons and neurologists who undergo the same training in advanced minimally invasive neurological procedures. It takes about 8 years of training after medical school to qualify in neurointerventional surgery. Dr. Rappard is a neurointerventional surgeon who is an endoscopic spine surgery specialist. The majority of the surgical procedures Dr. Rappard performs are endoscopic spine surgeries.

Dr. Rappard completed an internship in general surgery, a residency in diagnostic radiology, fellowship in neuroradiology, fellowship in neurointerventional surgery and a fellowship in endoscopic spine surgery, making Rappard not only a rare breed as a spine trained neurointerventional surgeon but also a rarity among endoscopic spine surgeons in general. Because of his training and background, Dr. Rappard is uniquely qualified to perform a careful neurological evaluation, perform image guided spinal procedures, expertly interpret patient MRI’s and serve as a qualified and experienced endoscopic spine specialist.

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